This Thanksgiving, I am grateful for…
grieving a dead chicken because at least it wasn’t my favorite one
my daughter humiliating me by yelling “mama did you faht?!” because the missing “r” is so cute
neck pain because it reminds me to take care of myself as I work
having a mouse problem because we get to live in the country
not being able to eat the foods I used to love because it gives me a sense of control over my health
a broken-down van because it’s keeping us here for a quiet holiday together
seeing bleak social media posts about the war because the empathy roused would have stayed dormant
hints of incoming winter blues because of the opportunity to practice self-compassion
my friend’s mastectomy because it means chemo worked and the cancer is gone
purchasing an awful blue coat because my child thinks it makes him look like Michael Jackson
Your turn!
Will you add one thing you’re *bleeping* grateful for in the comments? I think it will bring us all a little slice of joy.
I am grateful for each of you. No bleeping needed.
My toddler arguing with me all day because it means she will not succumb to external pressure when she’s older
My clothes getting tighter because I'm finally able to put weight on after many years not being able to...
On the top of my list is having stuff to sell to pay our bills on the 1st so my husband has a supportive school environment! Thank you for this exercise, Shannon.