Welcome to The Rewilded Life.
So you’re looking for a way of being — a spirituality, if you will — grounded in freedom and mystery? You’re longing to be directed by your own inner compass, rather than by the map once drawn for you by others? You’re curious about meaning-making in the present moment, in your very body, on this sacred earth?
Ever heard of rewilding?
It’s an ecological restoration practice, a way to heal damaged wilderness areas by removing the (unwittingly) harmful human interventions done in the name of resource management. To rewild a piece of land is to allow it to return to its original state, biodiverse and flourishing. Rewilded land will look unkempt, but it is thriving—proven by its self-sustaining ecosystem.
Now look, I’m not an ecologist and this is not a science page. But stay with me: What if this principle applied to us, too?
What if, instead of fighting so damn hard to survive within the narrow social standard prescribed to us, we gave ourselves permission to rewild? If we removed all the harmful human intervention that slowly strangle out life, could our souls find their way back to wholeness and nourishment? If freed from the meddling of outside hands, could our true selves emerge as their own self-sustaining ecosystems?
The answer is yes.
I am still on my journey of rewilding, and maybe you are too. I don’t know when or if it ever ends, but I know that it is far less lonely when done with friends. And I know that now, more than ever, we need each other.
Ready to join the rewilding? You have options.
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