YES Shannon! You are the only one on the internet saying this and it's brilliant and I'm obsessed. Thank you for pointing this out. Chappell is so powerful and she belongs to herself. Oooh this next generation of women....!!

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I honestly can’t wait to see where women go the next twenty years…

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This is brilliant, Shannon!

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Thank you for your time! 🤗

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Ah, yes, dear Shannon, you show how one can be a virgin and a whole person at the same time, and that is important.. One of the first books I published, in the early 1970s, was "The Sexual Celibate," by Donald Goergen (check out amazon.com, it's still in print). Everybody thought it would tank. Who wants to commit to celibacy in the midst of a sexual revolution? The book was a bestseller because it showed in positive terms how even a celibate is a sexual being and heir to the gifts God gives us all in expressing love, trust, and harmony in our own unique lives. Your essay reveals all of that through story ("It's the Stories, Stupid!") and, amazingly, unlike a book takes only a few minutes to read and savor. Way!

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Ooooo cool! Love this Mike.

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Drumming my fingers impatiently as i wait for my copy of The Mystics... to arrive! It's my most anticipated read of the season.

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I’m honored!

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I have long felt undermined, queasy as our Catholic calendars name feasts simply, "St. Josephine Bakhita, Virgin." Why do only women's sexual choices get highlighted? What does that have to do with her holiness? (I'm not even going to why Mary wasn't allowed to enjoy the pleasures of sex after Jesus...)

Thank you for being a courageous voice, so needed as I look at my daughters, beginning to pull at this thread in an acceptable way for the first time.

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Ohhhhhhhyeah. Gives me the ICK.

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Hot damn. I loved this so much!! 🙌

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Insightful words, as always! Grateful for your inspiration!

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I saw things I have heard many times in a new way. Love this part: Mary conceived and birthed the Divine solely through her own communion with God.

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So much to meditate on re: the virgin birth right?!

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The title admittedly drew me while browsing Substack, and now I can't wait to read your book! Thanks for sharing!

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That’s cool to hear. Welcome Kristin!😊

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I’m OBSESSED with this 🧡

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