Shannon, this is one of your best. "...dammit McKayla we said no jumping" is currently my favorite line of writing ever. Thank you for your honesty and humor. I can't wait for the next one. :)
This is so good, so real, so conversational, so funny. I love it! So many catch my heart sentences and phrases. Shannon, you are one of the most relatable writers I have come across in years.
This is great! Thank you for showing us how good it is to laugh at ourselves and do things for fun that make us feel good.
Zumba is my adult dance class (no jumping!), but I invested like an adult in a grown up stereo system…so that I can feel the bass in my body. I dance when I’m cooking and cleaning the kitchen, and have blasted out speakers in my cars.
Have you watched any dancing movies? Feel the Beat is a fairly hilarious one.
This legitimately made me laugh out loud and want to find my own class to sign up for. You are a wonder!
You are such a great writer.
"McKayla doesn't understand that we can't do jumping jacks" spoke to my soul. 😂 Thank you.
Shannon, this is one of your best. "...dammit McKayla we said no jumping" is currently my favorite line of writing ever. Thank you for your honesty and humor. I can't wait for the next one. :)
You must find the Sally OMalley rockette skit from SNL
This really cracked me up.
Relatable!! And now I know why dancing (even if it’s done poorly!) always makes me feel better. This had me laughing.
This is so good, so real, so conversational, so funny. I love it! So many catch my heart sentences and phrases. Shannon, you are one of the most relatable writers I have come across in years.
Jumping Jacks.
You got me good with this one, Shannon
Love this ❤️
The belly laugh I sorely needed this week. Brilliant!!
This made me snort laugh!
OIMG this is hilarious!!! Possibly your finest writing yet. You should frame it!
This is great! Thank you for showing us how good it is to laugh at ourselves and do things for fun that make us feel good.
Zumba is my adult dance class (no jumping!), but I invested like an adult in a grown up stereo system…so that I can feel the bass in my body. I dance when I’m cooking and cleaning the kitchen, and have blasted out speakers in my cars.
Have you watched any dancing movies? Feel the Beat is a fairly hilarious one.
I've wanted to try Zumba! one day.
I love you. Hail Queen Shannon 👸🏽