Praise be to God that you survived! I’ll pray that you continue to heal physically and emotionally, and pray for strength for your family as they support you in your healing! ❤️
I’m so relieved that you are home & on the path to mending!! When I was 12 & my brother was 10, our mom was in the hospital with a particularly bad type of pneumonia for 3 weeks, and then recovered at home for several more weeks. At the time I didn’t know how sick she was, but it must have been horrible for her, my dad, & us. All of your sweet family has been in my thoughts & prayers 🥰
Thank you, Traci. It's been tricky to navigate with the kiddos. Hoping we struck a good balance between supporting their confusion and not disclosing enough to scare them. Parenting in these times is not easy, that's for sure.
I resonate so much with not feeling safe in your body. What a trauma! I'm so glad you are home, and I'm praying you can find answers and complete healing.
I've been praying for you ever since I found out on Instagram. Your story reminds me of something straight out of a medical drama! But hey, long story short, you survived. Keep running that race, sister in Christ.
Thanks for your honesty. It's not easy being "ill in public," as I wrote about a weak ago. Please be assured of continuing prayers. May our loving God enfold you. Courage, patience, and more. And don't forget to laugh! (OR if you can't laugh, cry!)
I just finished reading Sheila Cassidy's SHARING THE DARKNESS where she writes: "the only kind of holiness I can cope with is that which is firmly grounded in reality. As I said before, loving is a costly business and one needs an earthly sense of humour to survive."
I'm not familiar with Sheila Cassidy, but oh that first line rings so true to me. I'm wishing you peace and joy, even laughter, in your own human body these days John.
Sheila Cassidy was a medical doctor working in Chile who was arrested and tortured for treating a wounded guerrilla. When she was released, she returned to England, tried out a contemplative vocation but returned to medicine. Finally, she was working with people in hospice. Parts of the book have been very helpful in dealing with the sick. She speaks out of her care for the dying but, for me, it connects with caring for anyone who is ill (and helps me deal with my own illness.) Here's one more quote:
"More than anything I have discovered that the world is not divided into the sick and those who care for them, but that we are all wounded and that we all contain within our hearts that love which is for the healing of the nations. What we lack is the courage to start giving it away."
Continuing to hold you and your family in my heart as you heal.
Praise be to God that you survived! I’ll pray that you continue to heal physically and emotionally, and pray for strength for your family as they support you in your healing! ❤️
oh love. been praying praying praying. what a miracle you have always, and continue, to be. <3
Wow! So glad you are at home again and i will pray for your healing.
With you sister. Holding every single word.
I’m so relieved that you are home & on the path to mending!! When I was 12 & my brother was 10, our mom was in the hospital with a particularly bad type of pneumonia for 3 weeks, and then recovered at home for several more weeks. At the time I didn’t know how sick she was, but it must have been horrible for her, my dad, & us. All of your sweet family has been in my thoughts & prayers 🥰
Thank you, Traci. It's been tricky to navigate with the kiddos. Hoping we struck a good balance between supporting their confusion and not disclosing enough to scare them. Parenting in these times is not easy, that's for sure.
Oh sister. Your good, good body did amazing. Is amazing. Holding space and hope for so much. Lighting my flame for you 🔥
More than one expletive was uttered while I read this...what a horrifying and incredible few weeks. Praying for continued healing, friend. x
you and me both girl ;)
Oh Shannon. 😭
What to say? I am sooo glad that you are healing and home now! Prayers for you as you continue to heal and search for answers to your questions.
I will be praying for you as you heal!
I resonate so much with not feeling safe in your body. What a trauma! I'm so glad you are home, and I'm praying you can find answers and complete healing.
I’m so glad you’re okay! Praise God. Thank you for sharing your processing with us. Prayers for your body and that difficult trauma. Rest well.
I've been praying for you ever since I found out on Instagram. Your story reminds me of something straight out of a medical drama! But hey, long story short, you survived. Keep running that race, sister in Christ.
Thanks for your honesty. It's not easy being "ill in public," as I wrote about a weak ago. Please be assured of continuing prayers. May our loving God enfold you. Courage, patience, and more. And don't forget to laugh! (OR if you can't laugh, cry!)
I just finished reading Sheila Cassidy's SHARING THE DARKNESS where she writes: "the only kind of holiness I can cope with is that which is firmly grounded in reality. As I said before, loving is a costly business and one needs an earthly sense of humour to survive."
I'm not familiar with Sheila Cassidy, but oh that first line rings so true to me. I'm wishing you peace and joy, even laughter, in your own human body these days John.
Sheila Cassidy was a medical doctor working in Chile who was arrested and tortured for treating a wounded guerrilla. When she was released, she returned to England, tried out a contemplative vocation but returned to medicine. Finally, she was working with people in hospice. Parts of the book have been very helpful in dealing with the sick. She speaks out of her care for the dying but, for me, it connects with caring for anyone who is ill (and helps me deal with my own illness.) Here's one more quote:
"More than anything I have discovered that the world is not divided into the sick and those who care for them, but that we are all wounded and that we all contain within our hearts that love which is for the healing of the nations. What we lack is the courage to start giving it away."
Sending strength for your healing path and adoration at your honesty here ✨🌸