What a beautiful and insightful essay! Thank you for sharing. I too, have no fear of snakes, only respect. I know which are bad and to be avoided and I know the "good" ones. I welcome the black ones in my garden as that means no moles! I'm going to try and watch that discussion on August 1st.
Hope you can make it! And yes I think a little education goes a long way. When you feel confident that we can tell the safe snakes from the harmful ones, the safe ones become a lot less scary!
My favorite part is that the snake is a “good guy”; a positive analogy nestled safe in your essay. It’s refreshing, because snakes are constantly held up as satanic symbols, only.
Yes totally. I think that’s actually why I’m drawn to snakes in this season of my life. This thing that for so long I was told was bad (religious) or scary (nature), I was actually able to just decide to craft a different narrative of for myself. It is really empowering.
While I am likely more like your grandmother on the response-to-snakes spectrum, this essay put words to ideas that I'm still trying to name. Thank you!
Love this!! Such an apt picture of a belief-point outgrown. We have a bull snake that lives under our deck in Eastern TN, affectionately named “Helga.”
What a beautiful and insightful essay! Thank you for sharing. I too, have no fear of snakes, only respect. I know which are bad and to be avoided and I know the "good" ones. I welcome the black ones in my garden as that means no moles! I'm going to try and watch that discussion on August 1st.
Hope you can make it! And yes I think a little education goes a long way. When you feel confident that we can tell the safe snakes from the harmful ones, the safe ones become a lot less scary!
I wrote a poem about this in my last book. It’s called “ecdysis.” 🥰
See you on the 1st!
Ooooo cool!!
This was so timely, thank you 💓
Thanks for reading!
My favorite part is that the snake is a “good guy”; a positive analogy nestled safe in your essay. It’s refreshing, because snakes are constantly held up as satanic symbols, only.
But this is like a teeny glimpse of redemption.
Yes totally. I think that’s actually why I’m drawn to snakes in this season of my life. This thing that for so long I was told was bad (religious) or scary (nature), I was actually able to just decide to craft a different narrative of for myself. It is really empowering.
While I am likely more like your grandmother on the response-to-snakes spectrum, this essay put words to ideas that I'm still trying to name. Thank you!
Thanks Elizabeth!
Great analogy!♥️ Skin-shedding sounds easier than liposuction!😏
My reptilian brain loves this. My Irene brain is trying. My Christ brain shouts “BOOM!”
Love this!! Such an apt picture of a belief-point outgrown. We have a bull snake that lives under our deck in Eastern TN, affectionately named “Helga.”
omg Helga. I love you.