Thank you, St. Shannon of Story.

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hehe story county 4eva

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Just this morning I turned to your book for some guidance. So, thanks for parsing just what these wise women might have to say. I am working on shaping what activism means for me now, and, importantly, what unity means now that I know my beliefs are at odds with the majority of my neighbors.

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I had to give myself permission to just feel my feelings for a little while. Action must come, but rest and self-care is important too. Praying for wisdom as you find your own path in this madness!

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I needed this. Thank you.

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It feels so fitting that today I'm finally picking your book off my TBR pile and diving in. <3

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I needed this so much. Thank you, Shannon.

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I am a female mystic (but not special because of it). And I am horrified.

And determined to spread the word about the complete betrayal of the theological core of the Bible, the Mystical "Higher Truth" expressed in the opening of Genesis and clearly referenced by Moses's Revelation, and even more boldly and compellingly by Jesus's intentional teachings and actions as Exemplar of , and Channel to, God's Mystically Revealed ONE, Who flows, in Love and EQUALITY into ALL humans, INCLUDING women. It was clearly commanded by Jesus, as God's Higher Truth.

But it was resisted, even while Jesus was alive. Mary Magdalen was pushed aside and downgraded, then Peter was installed as patriarchal head of a Church reconstructed around hierarchies of male dominance -- just like the Jewish Temple olden days.-- a complete reversion to the Temple and societal power models that Jesus said he came to topple. He was an Exemplar of equality in a patriarchal society that refused to change -- even for Jesus.

Biblical mysticism is the official, "high cristological" theology of the Christian Church, and was a continuation of the core Old Testament Mysticallly-originated monotheism. It's WHY monotheism inspired the dramatic change from earlier polytheism. It was born in sacred awe flowing into a Mystical Union, and is deeply intuitive, integrative, complex, and nuanced. It is a Union into the radically, transformative non-dualistic ONE -- which we call "God," (a Name that does not at all do justice to the ONE it references) -- in an experience felt and Known down to the core of one's every fiber,. It's no wonder this specific Mystical Experience and its complex Teachings inspired the creation of a whole new theology -- monotheism -- within the ancient pre-judaic religion, as well as inspiring conversions to it in Hellenic Rome and beyond.

But it' was also a radical challenge to every patriarchal social hierarchy that tried to claim and control it.

It is universal (built in,to every human soul, I.e., "made in God's Image"), distinctive, complex, the same for each mystic, and reflects God's gift of equality and fundamental dignity in every human soul. . How inconvenient for patriarchy! So, both Judaism and Christianity hid it from "the people", took it out of view, buried it or only shared with a select few males, and suppressed the egalitarian message. Jesus's message was changed to fit patriarchy and imperialism. Women were deemed too stupid and hysterical to teach this type of Mysticism to. That's why there were so many male theologian-mystics.

But sometimes, the Spirit flows to women --- even those, like me, who knew nothing whatsoever about mysticism, prior to that. The Spirit heals...and teaches...where God wills...and men have no power over that.

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I always appreciate reading your thoughts! You really hit the nail on the head in that last paragraph. <3

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Your words are like Coleman Barks translating Rumi for us. Eerily beautiful, bold and brave, too. We are drawn to the mystics and their magic as well as a deep truth within ourselves. ❤️

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Oh my goodness this is the compliment I never even imagined getting. Rumi (via Barks) forever!

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Thank you!

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Well said ladies!!! I'm absolutely heartbroken...

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Beautiful synopsis!

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The mystics are so relevant and insightful! Grateful for your interpretations! Much needed for this era! 🌎🙏🏻♥️

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I would also think Teresa of Avila would simply pull the bookmark out of her breviary and have you read the words:

Let nothing disturb you;

Nothing frighten you.

All things are passing.

God never changes.

Patience obtains all things.

Nothing is wanting to him who possesses God.

God alone suffices.

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