Since much of my work this year has centered on motherhood, in both human and divine constructs, it seemed only natural that this Advent I would revisit the age-old Christmas story through the eyes of the mother of God. This is the second of a five-part meditation series you will receive every Sunday of Advent and on Christmas Day.
The historical Church dubbed Mary “Theotokos” or “mother of God” in the year 431 A.D. This Advent, let us fix our gaze on the Holy and Eternal One through the eyes of Theotokos. This week our inspiration comes from her Magnificat in Luke 1.
A note: to get the maximum benefit from this meditation, save it for a time when you can give it your full attention. Find a peaceful place to sit, have a journal and pen handy, perhaps light a candle, and take an internal posture of prayer, expecting the Spirit to stir something within you that is relevant to your own life. If you would prefer an audio version, just reply to this email and let me know.
Week 3
God was doing a new thing:
a revolution of heart, of spirit.
The baby growing in her womb, a sign.
God had cast down the mighty,
lifted the lowly,
filled the hungry with good things,
sent the rich away empty.
She spoke these words — her song, her prophecy —
in the past tense,
considering already complete
what had only just begun.
For time and space bow
to the Holy Eternal,
the Alpha and Omega,
Beginning and End,
in whom all things are held together.
The child in her womb, the Logos:
the word spoken before the foundation of the world.
And so she rejoiced at the toppling of
She rejoiced at the revolution of
Though her understanding was fragmented,
her joy was complete.
And the same can be true of us.